Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How Influential Is The Internet In A Consumers Buying Process?

According to a Pew Internet & American Life Project (2005) survey, 70.6% of households with incomes of $75K or more say the Internet is their primary source of information when evaluating and comparing products

Online Activities Often Drive In-Store Sales

In a recent survey by The Multi-channel Shopping Transformation Study, The e-tailing group/J.C. Williams Group/Start Sampling , 2006, a sample group of consumer where asked, How frequently do you shop in the following ways?  Below are the behaviors that the survey respondents indicated that they were very to somewhat frequently performing:

  • Go to the store, then buy online - 19%
  • Browse a website then buy in-store - 37%


  • Receive an email, then buy online - 15%
  • Receive a coupon then buy in-store - 60%


  • Read a newspaper circular then buy online - 15%
  • View a newspaper circular online then buy in-store - 34% 


  • Receive a catalog and buy online - 36%
  • Receive a catalog and buy in-store - 25%

Who Are W2S Shoppers?

On average, your typically W2S shopper is:

  • An average age of 39.7 years
  • A male between the ages of 18 – 49
  • Same education/income as e-commerce shoppers
  • A frequent shoppers
  • A broadband users
  • A college graduates
  • Makes more than $75,000 income (households)
  • English speaking
  • Tuesday, September 05, 2006

    Why Online Shoppers Still Go Instore To Buy

    Most consumers still prefer to buy in stores they trust, close to where they live, and here is the data to back this up...

    Interesting Web - To - Store (W2S) Tidbits

    Comscore says: "63% of purchases resulting from online search (and research) occur offline"

    Jupiter says: "Ther internet is expected to influence nearly half of all retail sales in 2010"

    Burst Media says: "57% of shoppers 18 or older say the intenet is their primary source of information pre-purchase"

    How Significant Of Role Does Online Research Play On Offline Retail Spending?