Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Web - to - Store Grows By 40% In 2005

The number of web - to - store shoppers in 2005 grew by 40% This means that more shoppers are using online circualrs, catalogs, and ads to browse sales at their local stores. These impressive numbers also indicate that consumers continue to use the Web to research sales and shop locally more frequently, and that interest in viewing local sales information via the Web is rapidly growing. After all is said and done, this sort of research only validates the core principle of what W2S marketing is all about. It is exciting to see that the data proves what many had theorized for many years, in that people like to do their homework online but still want to do the legwork in-store.

For more information on this research, please go to: http://www.shoplocalllc.com/press20.html

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